Localizzazione veicoli e rimorchi

Localization of vehicles and trailers

Flottaweb Fleet Management allows the GPS localization of vehicles and trailers on maps and above all to follow their progress. The satellite location allows you to view the route taken through the location history. Real-time alerts in case of deviation from the planned route.

It allows you to configure targets, also useful for receiving warnings when vehicles enter or leave these targets. It allows you to send an automatic message on board when the vehicle enters an area at risk, such as tutor, speed camera, etc.


Messaging and VoIP

Thanks to the internal messaging system it is possible to communicate with the drivers.

The system allows sending and receiving photos, documents and scans.

As in the most common messaging applications, Flottaweb also allows the management of Groups.

Flottaweb also implements a VoIP call service in order to reduce costs especially for foreign calls.

Driver Guide Hours Management

Flottaweb, within its corporate fleet management system, allows you to calculate the driving hours of drivers based on tachograph data. It allows you to check the daily, weekly and biweekly data, highlighting the driving hours already carried out and those remaining, the various stops made and planned, the remaining jokers, the route, the speed graph and the kilometers traveled. Allows you to prevent and report infringements.

Gestione ore guida autisti

Consumption Control and Driving Style

Flottaweb is able to detect, in real time, all data relating to the CAN-BUS, with particular reference to fuel consumption: tank level, liter-counter, low-speed consumption.

It also carries out an analysis of the driving style taking into account both the driver’s real driving ability and the difficulty of the route taken.

Download Tachograph data and Archiving

Flottaweb allows backup and management of tachograph files, ensuring easy access to files anytime and from anywhere

Scarico dati tachigrafo

Remote tachograph download

Flottaweb offers the possibility to remotely download the .DDD files via GPRS network containing data from both the mass memory of the digital tachograph and the driver card

Archiving on databases

The downloaded .DDD files are inserted in the database so that they can be consulted in real time, also in order to have the forecast calculation always updated


Within the Flottaweb Platform you will have an overall and updated view of the diagnostic information of the various vehicles allowing the real-time display of the dashboard warning lights.

Reading DTC fault codes

OBD-II provides information on all parameters and errors relevant to polluting emissions:

  • Parameter codes (RLI): Speed, Revolutions per minute.
  • Error codes (DTC): Oxygen sensor.
  • The reading of the error components is standardized.

Maintenance and Coupons

Within the Flottaweb Platform it will be possible to monitor and manage the maintenance of the entire company fleet as well as set the coupons for each car but above all those of the fridge truck.

Gestione Tagliandi
Gestione ticket


Within the Flottaweb Platform, a click of the mouse is enough to open or respond to each ticket.

With Flottaweb you can save time … improve company production efficiency and the safety of vehicles and drivers.

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The demo is free and takes less than 10 minutes.


Torello Trasporti
Lisi Trasporti
Arken Group
Consorzio Globus
Mesaroli Trasporti

All the features

Based on continuous research and development, today Flottaweb with its fleet management system is able to offer a complete range of logistic services in a single platform for the GPS localization of vehicles and trailers.

Replay Route

Possibility to retrace the entire journey made by the driver with display of speed, fuel, cruise control.

Chat interna
Internal chat

Thanks to the internal messaging system, it is possible to communicate with drivers by sending and receiving photos, documents, scans.


The digital tachograph module also allows you to calculate infringements and generate recall letters.

Spie errore
Reading error lights

Within the Flottaweb Platform, you will have an overall and updated view of the diagnostic information of your vehicles.

Posizione in Realtime

It is possible to check the progress of the trip in real time, displaying both the travel operations and the route.

Centralina Ebs
EBS Control Unit data

The on-board deviceTrailerSAT-EBS is able to read the data of the on-board control units (Wabco, Haldex, Knorr).

Gestione Container
Localization of swap bodies and containers

The on-board control unit has an autonomy of 1 year and 2 consignments per day. It is possible to increase the sending frequency.