Freight Transport

With Flottaweb you will always know what is happening. Check your vehicles’ location in real time. Get a 360-degree view of your fleet’s daily operations, so you can reduce costs, increase productivity, manage vehicle maintenance and make the most of every working day.

Flottaweb helps you monitor daily and weekly driving times, keeping track of rest periods, to ensure that the health and safety requirements of drivers are met.

Through the platform you can also check the fuel level inside the tank and its consumption in real time.

Trasporto merci

Emergency Vehicles

Sknowing where your vehicles are, and where they have been, has never been easier. With Flottaweb you have full visibility on all your siren vehicles, even when you have thousands of resources, you can monitor them all in a single dashboard that groups your fleet in intelligent clusters and offers several quick search options.

Personalized alerts will inform you about the status of the sirens and flashing lights, their status of use and in case of malfunctions.

Quickly manage your workforce with job cards and real-time messaging.

Mezzi di soccorso


With FlottaWeb it is very easy to monitor the cleaning and waste collection activities. The system reports and records the routes taken by the vehicles, waste collection, sweeping and mechanized washing in progress.

The platform implements a management system for diagnostic and alarm data related to the operation of the vehicle and the equipment used.

It is possible to locate in real time the position of the vehicle on the territory, allowing the monitoring of the service actually performed and also preserving the historical data of the routes performed.


Bus and mini bus just a click away. Through satellite tracking systems, you always have your vehicles under control, you can check routes, stops, respect for planned routes and exceed speed limits.

Consumption and driving style

You will be able to verify those driving behaviors that negatively affect fuel consumption and vehicle wear, but which can also endanger passenger safety.


You can offer the WiFi service on the coaches. A real added value for your passengers that will allow you to stand out for innovation and attention to customers.

Land Movement

During the working activity the monitoring of the vehicles is much more useful than knowing where they are.

The sensors send status updates on a wide range of events, including temperature changes, excessive vibrations or abnormal movements and criticalities.


Flottaweb offers specific solutions for agricultural machines, vehicles which by their nature are usually left in decentralized areas and which are therefore particularly subject to the risk of theft.

You can monitor the position of your vehicles in real time, download and check fuel consumption and the state of use of the vehicles.



With the black box you can save on insurance.

Analyzing the data collected from the black box it is possible to accurately trace the causes of a claim and its procedures. In the event of theft, using the built-in satellite tracker, tracing the vehicle will be very easy.

Assets tracking

FlottaWeb offers specific solutions for localization, it is possible to identify the exact position of vehicles, material or people.

In this way it is possible to create a personal asset tracking.

Assets tracking

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Torello Trasporti
Lisi Trasporti
Arken Group
Consorzio Globus
Mesaroli Trasporti